«Since 2005, we have been growing dynamically, annually confirming the leadership in the sector of production and distribution, logistics and other services, areas of competence of Our Holding. We cover more than a third of the total consumption of industrial production of confectionery and bakery products in Tajikistan. Of course, we have what to be proud of!
For us it is important not only what we achieve, but also how. Every day we perform hundreds of business operations and make thousands of decisions that do not have a universal formula, while affecting the performance of the Company today and its sustainability in the long term. In any situation, we rely on the vision and mission of the Company, our values and guiding principles that form the corporate philosophy and culture.
I believe that in the period of overcoming the next level of maturity, the transition from quantitative to qualitative growth, corporate values and principles have become the norm of life and the basis for decision-making for each of us, and the vision and mission fill our business with a special meaning and give a powerful impetus for confident movement forward!»
Our business segments are closely linked by strategic unity and an agreed goal, their mutual integration creates additional value and has a positive impact on the overall financial result. We regularly conduct benchmarking of segments, effectively using our expertise and multiplication of successful corporate practices. We use the synergy of interaction of business, units and functions within the company to achieve the best possible results
Our business segments are closely linked by strategic unity and an agreed goal, their mutual integration creates additional value and has a positive impact on the overall financial result. We regularly conduct benchmarking of segments, effectively using our expertise and multiplication of successful corporate practices. We use the synergy of interaction of business, units and functions within the company to achieve the best possible results.
We protect assets, increase their efficiency, take care of monetary and material resources, information, key risk management. The Company's interests are our priority. Each of us is personally responsible for the rational, efficient use and protection of the Company's resources.
We are flexible in making decisions. We are not afraid of changes, but perceive them as new opportunities for development. We improve the quality of our assets, create modern jobs and introduce advanced management technologies, improve processes, train staff. We focus on global practices and adapt the best of them, taking into account the political and market specifics, changes in the external environment and unique features of our company.
We are building a company with a long-term perspective, so we consider sustainable development as one of the main principles of our activity. We create comfortable and safe working conditions for our employees, provide them with ample opportunities for training and professional growth. At all production stages we minimize the use of energy resources, control the quality of our products. We openly cooperate with local communities and landlords and implement dozens of social projects every year
We adhere to the current legislation and international legal norms. We respect corporate values and guidelines and act in accordance with internal policies and procedures. We condemn corruption and fraud, fight hard against their manifestations in the company, counteract conflicts of interest that can lead to financial and reputational losses. We protect and promote the interests of the company in legitimate professional ways. Sustainable development and social responsibility
The main principle of our internal interaction is partnership. We are a professional team of like-minded people who drive the company forward. Each of us demonstrates the correct model of behavior and interaction in the team. Holding different positions in different business units and departments, we do one thing and strive for common success. Together we are able to solve the most difficult tasks and achieve the best results.
The culture of respect and trust is for us not just a friendly attitude to each other. It is an understanding and perception of the vision, values and guiding principles of the company. It is a transparent management structure that clearly defines the distribution of functions, allows us to take responsibility and make decisions. These are clear rules of the game and the absence of double standards. We are always correct and reasoned in business communication with colleagues and outside the company. We do not waste energy on internal disagreements, but concentrate on the development of the company and achieving common goals
Thanks to the right strategy, dynamic growth and balanced personnel policy, each employee of the company has the opportunity to gain new knowledge, realize their own ambitions and potential. 75% of managers at different levels have built a career in the Makolli Company. We pay great attention to the training and development of managers, professionals and young employees with high potential. We strive to create an atmosphere where people are happy to go to work, are proud of it, are maximally involved in business processes and are interested in the success of the company. By changing our culture for the better, we are changing ourselves!