Central office:
Tajikistan, Dushanbe, ,
Qahorova str., 35a
Production complex:
734036, Dushanbe,
R. Nabiev str. 345/1
+ 992 900 30 30 30
  • Contact with investors
  • Public Relations
  • Sale and export
  • Jobs at the company
  • Information about tenders
  • Department of Procurement
  • Distribution of goods
  • Department of Logistics
  • For all other questions:

If you became aware of the facts:

-conflicts of interest, pressure on employees, violations of internal policies and procedures, in particular in the areas of labor protection and environmental protection, - fraud and corruption, abuse of authority and trust, violations of the rights of bidders, please contact us by calling the hotline, the same for all enterprises of the company, by phone: +992 900-30-30-30 or by writing to the email address:


Anonymous messages are not considered. In a telephone or written request from an individual, please indicate the name, contact phone number and e-mail address. If the request comes from a legal entity, please provide the name, position and contact phone number of the person applying, as well as the full name of the company (in the case of a written request, the letter must be signed by the head of the organization indicating all its details).

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