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Metamask Transfer Error: Solution of the problem

As a Metamass user, you may know its functionality and usability. However, when problems arise, it can be alarming to prevent problems. In this article, we will go into what could make a mistake trying to transfer active Metamk via Web3.

Error: “Error 4: After the previous deal, there is not enough gas left.”

When trying to create a button that activates the “transfer ()” method in your application but fails to resolve the error message. This problem is usually caused by the lack of gas available to future transactions on the Ethereum network.

Why is this happening?

Metamask: Transfer() method with Web3 I got error and didn't transfer

The main reason for this error is the fact that the web3 is not characterized by the way to stop or stop the execution of gas consuming actions, such as “Transfer (). When trying to take a button, click Actions in your application, it begins to execute immediately. If your application has not completed the previous transactions (such as sending assets), there is no gas left for the next step.

How can we resolve this issue?

Overcome the above limitations:

Enter the delay between transactions

One possible solution is to introduce a brief delay between initial and subsequent transactions using web3.Js methods such as `waitforansact or web3.Wait. This allows the transaction to process the time before trying another.


// Initial transaction (not yet executed)

Function HeadButtonClick () {

// … process button click on logic …

// Introduce a delay between transactions

Settimeout (() => {

IF (! IstransactionExcued) {

istransactexcuted = True; // Set the flag to indicate that the transaction is executed

// Try to execute the next transaction (transfer ())

Try {

Web3.eth.sendtransaction ({

NO: ‘0xyouraddress’,

to: ‘0xrecipientaddress’,

Value: Web3.Util.Towei (‘1’, ‘ether’),

Gas: 100000, // Set a large amount for this activity


.Then ((result) => {

Console.log (result); // Successful transfer


.catch ((error) => {

Console.Error (error);


} catch (e) {

Console.Error (E);



}, 5000); // Wait 5 seconds before trying the next deal



Use Web3’s built -in feature “Transfer” with delay

Another approach is to use Metamask’s built -in “transfer” method, but to introduce a slight delay between transactions, calling it immediately after the initial performance:


// Initial transaction (not yet executed)

Function HeadButtonClick () {

// … process button click on logic …

// Introduce a brief delay before the assets are transferred

Settimeout (() => {

Web3.eth.sendtransaction ({

NO: ‘0xyouraddress’,

to: ‘0xrecipientaddress’,

Value: Web3.Util.Towei (‘1’, ‘ether’),

Gas: 100000, // Set a large amount for this activity,


.Then ((result) => {

Console.log (result); // Successful transfer


.catch ((error) => {

Console.Error (error);


}, 5000); // Wait 5 seconds before trying the next deal



Consider using an improved wallet or library

If you have constant problems, it might be worth considering switching to another wallet or library, which allows you to control the use and execution of gas.

Additional tips:

  • Make sure your Metamask settings allow you to make transactions faster (for example, gaslimit> 20).

  • Review Metamask documentation on best practices and troubleshooting activities.

  • Talk to Web3.You Community Forums if you are still facing questions after trying these solutions.

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