Медиа Центр

Metamask: Paid Functions Metamaske

Being a creator, communicating with intellectual contracts requires not only writing the code; It also requires you to manage your funds. One of the main libraries to communicate with Ethereum Smart contracts on the Internet is Metamask. In this article, we will investigate how to use the Metamask features payable.

What are the functions paid?

Paid functions, also known as call functions, allow for actions regarding the contract without transferring funds from your wallet. They are particularly useful in managing intellectual contracts that require user input or specific actions such as creating new wallet or sending operations.

Metamask use with the functions payable

To use the Metamk features payable, follow the following steps:

Metamask: Payable functions in Metamask

1. Create a Web3 provider

Before you start communicating with the contract using the functions payable, you must determine the Metamask Web3 provider. You can do this by performing the MetamKK documentation page or by creating your custom Web3 provider.

2. Install the Ethers.js Library

You will also need to implement the Ethers.js Library to use Metamask with the Metamask with the functions payable, providing a simple and intuitive API communication with Ethereum Smart Contracts.

Here is an example of how to install Ethers.js in your project:


NPM installation ether


3. Create a contract for a payment

Create a new contract defining the function due. In this example, we will create a contract called MyContract, which allows consumers to send ether to the contract.

Here are some of the sample code of the contract:


CONST MyContract = {

Functions: {{{

Transmission Founds: {

Input: [


Name: “From”,

Type: “Address”,

necessary: ​​True,



Name: ‘to’

Type: “Address”,

necessary: ​​True,



Name: “Value”,

Type: Uint256,

necessary: ​​True,







In this example, the Funds feature takes three arguments:

  • “Of”: address that will receive ether

  • “To”: address that will send ether

  • value ': the amount of ether passed

4. Use the Metamask with the contract

You will need to create a new copy of the contract and transfer it to the Web3 provider to use the Metamask.

Here is the code fragment:


Import {Web3} from ‘Web3’;

Const Web3 = New Web3 ();

CONST Contract = New MyContract ();

Web3.eth.accouns.Sendtransaction ({{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

From: Web3.theaccouns [0], // Your Ethereum account address

to: Contract.address, // Contract address

Value: web3.utils.towei (‘1’, ‘ether’), // The amount of ether sent

}, (error, operationhash) => {

If (error) {

console.error (error);

} ELSE {

Console.log (Successful operation: $ {transactionhash});




Example Use case

Here’s an example of a case of use showing how to use the Metamask features payable:

Suppose you have a contract called MyContract, which allows consumers to send ether to the contract. You create a new copy of the contract and pass it on to the Web3 provider:


Import {Web3} from ‘Web3’;

Const Web3 = New Web3 ();

CONST Contract = New MyContract ();

// Create a new operation

Contract.transferfunds ({{{{{

From: Web3.theaccouns [0], // Your Ethereum account address

to: Web3.etaddresses [1], // Other User Address Blockchain

Value: web3.utils.towei (‘1’, ‘ether’), // The amount of ether sent

}, (error, operationhash) => {

If (error) {

console.error (error);

} ELSE {
