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Here is an article that answers your question:

getining market limit or coin rank using binance api

When designing a cryptocurrency application, it is important to access the latest market data. Binance API is one such platform that provides access to various financial data, including market capitalization and cryptocurrency rank.

In this article,


–In Function to Regain The Market Limit or a Rank of Specific Cryptocurrency. This information must be manually evaluated by the api.


To achieve this, we will use the “List Coin” Destination that allows you to get the entire coin list binance exchange. “Getcoin” Data on this particular Coin.

Code Example

Here are some examples to start us:


Use system;

System.net.http use;

System.text.jon use;

using binance.net;

Public Class Market


Public String symbol {Get; set; }


Public Async Task GetMarketCapsSasync ()


May demand = new httpclient (). Postasync ("

New Stringcontent (Jsonserialis.Serialize (New Listcosrequest ()), Encoding.utf8, "Application/Json");

wait for the request.content.readfromaskasync ();

Can marketCaps = Expect GetMarketCapsSancFrompsPonsse (request);

Return Marketcaps;


Public Async Task for GetMarketCapsSancfrompsPonsse (httPEPONSEMESGAGAGE)


can listcoinsrsponse = wait for reaction.readasstringasync ();

can listcoins = jsonserializer.deserialize (listcoinsponsse);

Can marketcaps = new list ();

Foreach (Coin Written)


May demand = new marketcaprequest {symbol = coin.symbol};

Can marketcapresponsse = Expect getmarketcapsasascyncfromcoinrequest (request);

IF (MarketCapresponsse! = Null)


Marketcaps.add (marketcapresponsse);



Return Marketcaps;


Public Async Task for GetMarketCapsSancFromcoinRequest (Marketcaprequest Request)


can url = " + request.symbol;

can requesturl = $ " (request.symbol} & limit = 100";

Using can httpclient = new httpclient ();

can reaction = wait httpclient.getasync (requesturl);

If (answer.isuccessstatuscode)


Return JsonSerializer.deserialize (Wait for Reaction.Readasstringasync ());




Console.writeline ($ "Failed to retrieve the market limit {request.symbol}: {response.statuscode}");

Return Zero;



How does it work

Ethereum: Is there a way to get the market cap or market cap rank of a coin using the Binance API?

The “GetMarketCapsSasync” Methods.

Note that we use the variable listcosponsse to get the entire coin list of binance exchange. “GetMarketCapsasyncFromcoinrequest” Method to bring the market limit or rank the data to this particular coin.


By following this example Remember to handle all the mistakes that may occortingly.