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Ethereum: How to accelerate duel coin price analysis


Evaluated on BOT public orders Binance, the key is to optimize your code. In this article we will explore the best practice.

Ethereum: How to speed up Binance coin price parsing?


Providing a fragment code uses the Async SUS syntax, which is not recommended for intensive CPU operations such as prize analysis. Instant, use async/waiting syntax to write asynchronous code with a maid.


Private Async Subt Timer1_Tick ()

No. Price as a decimal

Download to the Apppars () // Wait for Analysis Operations

Price = Wait for Parsepriceasync ()

The end



High -performance taxi, such as prize analysis, is not recommended for ".Net", "Many". Instant, use "task" to perform asynchronous operations in your background.


Private task

SUS initialize ()

Taskparseprice = new task.YPARSPRICEASYNC ()

The end

To ask



VB.Net is not strongly entered, which can cause problems with round -type inspection. Consider evaluating C

or other firmly entered boxes such as JavaScript or Python.


Public Class APPARDARSTSTK: Task


Private reading "Iasyncdisposable Presicenser";

Public PresicenseTK (iasyncdisposablepakeparser)


this.PriceParser = "Ampicerser";


Protected via async ValueTask edeasync ()


Return waits for the tierser.Parsepriceasync ();





There are libraries such as Ethers.js.js and Binnance-Async Parser's. Libraries of the dissertation are advanced techniques such as a reminder and container to improve performance.


Const Ethers = requires ('Ether');

CONST PARSER = Require ('./ Parser');

Async's feature in acceptance () {

CONST PARSER = new parser ();

CONST PRICE = wait parser.Parsepriceasync ();

Return of the price;




IF performance is still a thanksgiving that translates the CPU guaranteed API, such as the Binnance API or Binnance-CP. These APIs are optimized to high quality performance and provide Astrong warranty.


Import binance.client

API = binanceclient ()

Price = api.get_price (symbol = "btcusd", uniit = "USD")


According to the best practice, you will be able to sign a performance from your coin prize analysis. Before installing it in direct markets, remember to try your code to the manufacturing environment.

Example Use case


Here is the updated Async/Linksi Syntax and a library like Ethers.js.js.js


Private Async Subt Timer1_Tick ()

No. Price as a decimal

Task.yparsepriceasync Trimt.catch =>

Waiting for the recepressasync (price) // is

PRICE = Wait for Parsepriceasync () // Use Parsepriceasync

The end

Private Presiceceptorcasasync (Price as decimal) as a task of

Dim parser = new Ethers.Parser

Return parser.pariceasync (price)

End function

` Re

Note: Change Ethers.Party’s true library you have experienced.

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