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Converting Ethereum Transactions to Hex before Using the SendRawTransaction API

As a Bitcoin developer, you’re likely familiar with using the sendrawtransaction API from Bitcoind. However, when working with Ethereum, things can get a bit more complicated due to the use of gas and transaction encoding. In this article, we’ll explore how to convert your Ethereum transactions into hexadecimal strings before using the sendRawTransaction API.

Why is this necessary?

The sendrawtransaction API expects a transaction object in its standard format, but Bitcoin’s native transaction format (also known as the “raw” format) is different from Ethereum’s. Specifically:

  • Gas:

    Ethereum: How to convert a transaction into hex before using the sendrawtransaction API?

    Ethereum requires a gas price and amount for each transaction, which is not present in Bitcoin’s transactions.

  • Transaction encoding:

    Ethereum uses a more complex encoding scheme than Bitcoin to represent transactions.

  • Signatures: Ethereum’s signature scheme (ECDSA) requires additional data that is not present in the standard Bitcoin transaction format.

The solution: Converting to Ethereum-friendly format

To resolve these differences, you’ll need to convert your Ethereum transactions into a format compatible with the sendRawTransaction API. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Use ethers.js:

* Install the ethers.js library using npm or yarn: npm install ethers.js

* Import and use the EthereumTransaction class from ethers.js: const transaction = new ethers.Transaction();

  • Format your Ethereum transaction:

const inputTx = {

from: 'your_account_address',

to: 'recipient_address',

nonce: 0,

gasPrice: '0x' + '1e+10', // Example gas price in Ethereum standard

gasLimit: '20000', // Example gas limit for the transaction

// Add your data here, like balances and transactions


  • Convert to Ethereum-friendly format:

* Create a new EthereumTransaction object from the input inputTx object using new ethers.Transaction(inputTx);

* The resulting ethers.Transaction object will be in Ethereum’s native format, which is compatible with the sendRawTransaction API.

  • Send the transaction:

const tx = new ethersTransaction();

tx.appendFromAddress('your_account_address', 0x1);


tx.setGasPrice("0x" + "1e+10"); // Set gas price in standard Ethereum

tx.setGasLimit(20000); // Set gas limit for the transaction

const signedTx = await tx.sign(new ethersAccount());

const transactionData = tx.rawTransaction();

const hexTransaction = transactionData.toString('hex'); // Convert to hexadecimal string

// Now you can use the sendRawTransaction API with your Ethereum-friendly transaction

const response = await (await bitcoindClient.sendRawTransaction(hexTransaction)).response;

By following these steps, you should be able to convert your Ethereum transactions into a format compatible with the sendRawTransaction API and resolve any issues related to gas and transaction encoding.