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How ​​to Change Margin in Binance API with Python: Understanding Types and Calculating Leverage

As a Python developer working with the Binance API, you’ve likely encountered several API endpoints that allow you to manage your cryptocurrency accounts. One of these endpoints is used to change margin settings, which can significantly impact your trading performance. In this article, we’ll break down how to define the margin type (isolated or cross), calculate leverage, and demonstrate how to implement these functions in the Binance API Python code.

Understanding Margin Types

Margin is a crucial aspect of cryptocurrency trading, allowing you to control potential losses based on your position size. The two main types of margin are:

  • Isolated Margin – Also known as “margin” or “position size,” isolated margin allows traders to keep their existing positions open while adjusting their leverage levels.
  • Cross Margin – This type of margin allows traders to borrow money from another trader’s account, allowing for higher leverage and potentially higher returns.

In our Python code example, we will focus on implementing an isolated margin system with cross margin capabilities.

Calculating Leverage

Leverage is the ratio of your trade amount to the position size. To calculate leverage:

  • Position Size – This is typically calculated by multiplying the available balance in your account by the trading fee.
  • Available Balance – This represents the maximum amount you can trade without affecting your margin limit.

For example, if your available balance is $100 and the trading fee is 0.01 BTC (1 BNB), the position size would be:

Position Size = Available Balance x Trading Fee

= $100 x 0.000010 BTC (1 BNB)

= $0.001 BTC

Now that we’ve covered margin types and calculating leverage, let’s move on to implementing this functionality in our Python code.

Binance API Integration

To interact with the Binance API using Python, you’ll need to:

  • Install the binance-api library – you can do this by running pip install binance-api.
  • Setting your API credentials

    : Create a new file called settings.py and define your API credentials:



Binance_URL = '

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual Binance API key, YOUR_API_SECRET with your API secret password, and BINANCE_URL with the Binance API base URL.

Python code example

Here is an example of implementing margin setting change using Binance API Python library:


import binanceapi

class MarginManager:

def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret, binance_url):

self. api = binanceapi. BinanceAPI(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret, binance_url=binance_url)

def isolate_margin(self, position_size):

return True

def cross_margin(self, position_size, Leverage):

Cross margin function will be implemented later


def calculate_leverage(self, available_balance):

position_size = available_balance * 0.001 BTC

example of calculating position size

return available_balance / position_size

def main():

api_key = ‘YOUR_API_KEY’

api_secret = ‘YOUR_API_CRETE’

binance_url = ‘

margin_manager = MarginManager(api_key, api_secret, binance_url)

isolate_margin_position_size = 0.001 BTC

cross_margin_position_size = available_balance * 0.01 BTC

Change the size of the isolated margin position to 1 BTC

response = margin_manager.

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