Медиа Центр

I can help you understand the values ​​of Txide and Vot Ethereum in the context of multisig transactions.

Understand Txid:

“Txid(abbreviation for transaction ID) is a unique identifier assigned to each transaction in the blockchaine Ethereum. Represents a block in a chain that contains more input transactions.

When you create an input transaction using the multisig function, it contains two inputs:txin0a txin1. Thetxidvalue for these tickets is what interests us.

Find Txide for entrance:

To find the input transactionTxid, you can use the following steps:

  • Verify that the multisig wallet has transactions or results that do not expect them to not stand out (that is, J.txoutvalues). You can do this looking at the balance of your wallet and verifying any unsatisfactory result.

  • If there are no inappropriate exits, you must verify the block chain to see if there are blocks that have been extracted since the last update of your wallet. The first block after the new transaction is confirmed in the Ethereum network typically contains thetxidinput transaction.

  • Once you findtxid, you can find the corresponding output value in the 'Txout' field.

Find VAT values:

Ethereum: How do I find the txid and vout values for an input I want to spend?

VAUT(OUTPUT ABBREVIATURE) is what you really spend on your transaction. To find the 'vout' values, you will have to:

  • Look at the block chain for all the blocks that have been extracted since the last update of your wallet.

  • Verify the field of each blocktxoutand see if it contains an output value with the corresponding 'vout value.

Example of instructions:

Suppose you want to spend 10 Ethereum (ETH) for your entry transaction with txid of ‘0x1234567890abcdef. You can follow the following steps:

  • Verify that some unpaid outputs are waiting for your wallet:

* Verify your balance and look for any unre requested exit.

  • Verify that after a new blockchain transaction for the first block (usually 10-15 blocks):

* Look at the first block fieldTxoutto see if it contains an output value with the corresponding 'vout' value.

Assuming that he has marked the balance of his wallet and has not found insidious exits, and then looked at the block chain for the first block after a new transaction (Block 10), he would discover:

  • Txidof the input transaction is actually '0x1234567890abcdef.

  • In block 10, the vout:0x000000000000001, `0x000000000000000002 ° C, etc.

  • Corresponds to the two unparalleled outputs that are used in their expense transaction.

Keep in mind that Blockchain Ethereum is constantly updated, so it can take some time to find the correct txid and” vout “values ​​for the more entry transaction.