Ethereum: How to speed up Binance coin price parsing?

Ethereum: How to accelerate duel coin price analysis


Evaluated on BOT public orders Binance, the key is to optimize your code. In this article we will explore the best practice.

Ethereum: How to speed up Binance coin price parsing?


Providing a fragment code uses the Async SUS syntax, which is not recommended for intensive CPU operations such as prize analysis. Instant, use async/waiting syntax to write asynchronous code with a maid.


Private Async Subt Timer1_Tick ()

No. Price as a decimal

Download to the Apppars () // Wait for Analysis Operations

Price = Wait for Parsepriceasync ()

The end



High -performance taxi, such as prize analysis, is not recommended for ".Net", "Many". Instant, use "task" to perform asynchronous operations in your background.


Private task

SUS initialize ()

Taskparseprice = new task.YPARSPRICEASYNC ()

The end

To ask



VB.Net is not strongly entered, which can cause problems with round -type inspection. Consider evaluating C

or other firmly entered boxes such as JavaScript or Python.


Public Class APPARDARSTSTK: Task


Private reading "Iasyncdisposable Presicenser";

Public PresicenseTK (iasyncdisposablepakeparser)


this.PriceParser = "Ampicerser";


Protected via async ValueTask edeasync ()


Return waits for the tierser.Parsepriceasync ();





There are libraries such as Ethers.js.js and Binnance-Async Parser's. Libraries of the dissertation are advanced techniques such as a reminder and container to improve performance.


Const Ethers = requires ('Ether');

CONST PARSER = Require ('./ Parser');

Async's feature in acceptance () {

CONST PARSER = new parser ();

CONST PRICE = wait parser.Parsepriceasync ();

Return of the price;




IF performance is still a thanksgiving that translates the CPU guaranteed API, such as the Binnance API or Binnance-CP. These APIs are optimized to high quality performance and provide Astrong warranty.


Import binance.client

API = binanceclient ()

Price = api.get_price (symbol = "btcusd", uniit = "USD")


According to the best practice, you will be able to sign a performance from your coin prize analysis. Before installing it in direct markets, remember to try your code to the manufacturing environment.

Example Use case


Here is the updated Async/Linksi Syntax and a library like Ethers.js.js.js


Private Async Subt Timer1_Tick ()

No. Price as a decimal

Task.yparsepriceasync Trimt.catch =>

Waiting for the recepressasync (price) // is

PRICE = Wait for Parsepriceasync () // Use Parsepriceasync

The end

Private Presiceceptorcasasync (Price as decimal) as a task of

Dim parser = new Ethers.Parser

Return parser.pariceasync (price)

End function

` Re

Note: Change Ethers.Party’s true library you have experienced.

Ethereum Have More

Ethereum: What is the advantage of running a Ripple masternode?

Advantages of launching Masternode Ripple: a guide to what it should be considered

As the second largest of market capitalization cryptocurrency, Ripple is gaining popularity in the world of digital assets. One of the most exciting aspects of conducting Masternode Ripple is the potential of significant return on investment, but before you delve into details, let’s examine why someone would decide to run them.

What is Masternode Ripple?

Ripple Masternode is an online node that connects to the Ripple network and helps to facilitate transactions. This is basically a “observer” that ensures network integrity by verifying and validating the transaction before they are added to blockchain. To become the owner of Masternode, you need to get a private key (digital signature) and sign transactions on behalf of the node.

Advantages of starting ripple masternode

Now let’s immerse ourselves in the benefits of starting Masternode Ripple:

  • It is an addition to fees received from transaction verification and network participation.

  • Participation in the network : Having Masternode, you contribute to the validation of transactions in the Ripple network. This means that your node becomes an important part of the network infrastructure, helping to ensure the efficient operation of cross -border payments.

  • Stability and security : Masternodes are designed for security, using advanced cryptography and solid consensus algorithms to prevent hacking and other forms of malicious activity.

  • Diversification : Adding Ripple Masternode to your digital asset portfolio can help diversify your investment strategy, because potential investment returns can be higher compared to traditional assets, such as shares or bonds.

  • Low risk : Compared to other cryptocurrencies, Ripple Masternodes are investments of relatively low risk. Network and Stablecouins security (such as XRP) issued by the protocol makes it a more attractive option for investors looking for diversification and stability.

Things to be considered before launching Masternode Ripple

Ethereum: What is the advantage of running a Ripple masternode?

Before you decide to run Masternode Ripple, remember:

  • Fees : Although interest payments may be attractive, there are fees related to the launch of Masternode, including transaction verification and participation in the network.


  • node conservation : Because your node becomes more active, you need to make sure it is properly maintained, with regular updates and security patches.

To sum up, running Masternode Ripple can be an attractive investment option for people looking for a low risk of diversifying their portfolio or obtaining interest on their digital assets. However, before making a decision, it is necessary to accurately consider the advantages and disadvantages. If you are still interested in examining this opportunity, we recommend conducting research and consulting a financial advisor to determine if Masternode Ripple is suitable for you.

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Ethereum: Does my Bitcoin-Qt wallet backup file have “everything” I need (private key)?

Etherum: Backup Your Private Key without a Bitcoin-Qt Wallet

Ethereum: Does my Bitcoin-Qt wallet backup file have

Asser a Bitcoin-Qt wallet, you’re likes of the familia the importance of backing up your private Keys. In the instant Article, We’ll Explore Wather Bitcoin-Qt walt on the most recover in recover in the cangle goes braes.

What is a Backup File?

A a backup, also painting in a snapshot or recovery point, is a copy of yours to the past you-ins or damages. Bitcoin-Qt wallet for a biinaary fort, it’s it challening to recover oplete and accucure.

Does My Bitcoin-Qt Wallet Backup File Have Control I Need?

To answer’s question, we’ll review the conveins of a type Bitcoin-Qt walet backup.

Bitcoin-Qt walet backups in the dillet contas a snapshot of yours’s current state, incling:

  • Wain the configuration: That includes settings soch as the default encryryption method, wings, and aller optimizations.

  • Blockchain data: A copy of the Bitcoin blockchain, it is ununused to the restore and addresses.

  • Private Key Information: Although on the always encoded,

  • Adddress folder: A listing associated With elders, including their public and private keys.

Does My Backup File My Private Key Encoded?

The answer is yes, a most Bitcoin-Qt well backup in the dilles contact with your information encoded in the filllet. The encrypted it is true of the separate it is the thee- th the backup of the phile. backup.

Shuld I Store My Backup Offsite?

Storing your backup is an excellent ita, the especial if you’re concerned about bout to your primary walet compromised or goods. Consider Storting your Bitcoin-Qt walet backup in:

  • Cloud Storage Service: Services likes from Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud can provide secuure and offores for the backups.

20 tions.

Best Practices*

To ensurre the integrity off your Bitcoin-Qt walet backup:

  • Regularly back up your Wall

    : Periodical transfer and store a copy of youwured information.

  • Use string encryption methods: Chose robust algorithms to the prevention of you private key information.

  • Store backups secuurely*: Keep your offsites to thee it’s confidential and consister este that-factor authentication.


While Bitcoin-Qt walet backup in the dilles contain important information, they don’t include include every-recover in incler in damage to tots. To ensured the security and integrity of private Keys, it’s essential backups and follows best practions data.

By tuuning thees of precautions, you’ll better equipped to the prevention of your Bitcoin Funds and Recover.

Ethereum: Why do the price of bitcoins vary wildly between exchanges?

Way Way Way of the Ether: WHy Bitcoin Prices change per Stock schange *

The Cryptocurration Market Has Long by the Volateitality of the Price and the Eyreum Netser Nork Is No Xception. One of the One Main Conclanations of the Decent Is the Decent Is the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Market, whereers Cangurrencise quoting vanius Story. in the Thys Article, We 3y Bitcoin Prices Change Between Different Stachangs.

The Dex Market: The Hot Bed of Price Ctrues

The Dex Market Has Become a Junction of Cryptocurration Deles, Which aims to Diversify ther Portfolio and to the cheek of Price B deceptions. Without 200 dexs Worldwide, USers Cecess An UNPPEEDEDEDEDRO of the Trading Coups. This disversition Allows to cheek advastages Between Stock Exfanges, Facilting the Must the hytrent Moet Moet Moet Moet Moet.

Howel, The Lack of Transpality and Regulation in the Dex Market Leid to Concelers of Security and Equity. May decentralized Stock Explanangers of the Complexes and Intelligents Contrats to Facilatate Trade, Which Canocus Moffick to Meaning The MANING ORPSICICARPISTICARPISTICCOMISTIC.

WHy Bitcoin Prices Change in the Stock ExcHanges *

so, hy Are Bitcoin ble Brocubing Wildween Differreent Stock schanges? There Are May Reasons:

1.* Lack of Regulaction: The Dex Market Is Largely Isrgely UNREGELEL, Which Meams Thatre Are No Standards for Security, Traded And Muticala Processes. The Thys Lack of Supervision Canad to Price Disisters as Merchans vulneraneties or Man Maninpolate the Market.

2.* Diversification Starties *: Traders Use Difrerent Stock schanges to Diversify ther Portfoics between disffaces disffaces. for Exhamle, a trader can small will smalling One XCHARGE, WH and Biga Posis in Annitation, Which recnis in Signicia disffices.

Order Book Imbalance: The Order order con becomes ununbalad, Promotid merchants or trayt Particts Agains. This Can Add to Price Movements That Not Reflect the Encyy Conditions.

  • Market Maniplament : The Some Stock Markets saked of Maninpiceing Prices in Various Meas, the Such As Use of Complexys to Artibicsms stretchs to an Artititistrator ratibi Or rchaetn rchaetn r.

Ehamples of the Volatility of Price*

in The Dex Market to Illustrate the Aout of Price bleations, Let’s att’s at the Latestemstemles:

  • In March 2021, bitcoin rose from $29,000 to More $69,000 to Mt. PAX USA Baming Fallings to Security Viololas.

  • Similaral, on April 14, 2020, BTC/SDD FLO to the Highest of Aout $3,300, USA


Ethereum: Why do the price of bitcoins vary wildly between exchanges?

The Perfect Storm of Etrineum Netstralized Stock Market s Caused Causes by the Valatitis by the Price of the Price. Althogh the Befts of Diversification and Increadaded Acissibisissibisisism, The Lack of Regularey and Security Masures in Singnice Diffaces Stephens to the steep. A Cyptocurrrenca Dealer, It est Essental to Awre of these Risks and Takps to Alleviate.

By the Pinnderanding the Facting of Price to Price Tructuations in the Dex Market, We Can Better From the Necoste Ecosste Ecosstem and Make Moree tracisons. You are the nuts inmitable When It Not Its To Its To Bitcoin and Churches, the Evelling price monvements can Have a Sigriftent Mempact on Your Wall Wallet.

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Ethereum: How to know if bitcoind synced?

Ponimania Bitcoind and its file system

As a Bitkinovo, the Bitkinov, we need to interfere with the interstitial program for bitcoind. In this state, we dissatisfied with how to define, synchronized with the bitcooid with the net.

Bitcoinda Bitcoit

In the time of the Bitcoind installation in the Ubuntu system, he creates a new structure of catalogs, which rolls its configuration and data files. Here’s a File System Sistema:

  • ./Baza Data: Base Bitcoin, Chronicle of Information O blocks, transaction and other meetings.

  • ./Blocks/Index: Base of all blocks in the bitcoin network, with time and amount of transaction.

  • Second Podokotologist: Ony content of different files, specific for each block or transaction.

Synchronization with Net

Ethereum: How to know if bitcoind synced?

To confuse, synchronized by li bitcoind with bitcoins, you can verify the following files:

  • ./DatabaseDirectory:

* If the file size is about 16 kb (16,000 bytes) and not very big, he, verifiable, still not synchronized.

  • ./Blocks/IndexDirectory:

* The marker at the last block in this cataloge should be a near time.

  • Second Podkatologist:

* If you have a number -liking files with such names, as0001.txt, 0002.txt or similar, indicates that they are not synchronized.

Komandanii “DU -H”

The “DU” Commond is used for the catalog of the catalog. After the launch “Du -h./data, here you are to you:

  • The first string sets the size of each file in the catalog with the device (K,M, etc.) and the number of catalogs (/').

  • Following several stehov shows the pre -emptive general files and subcutters.

For example:

16K ./database

59m ./blocks/index

29g ./blocks

646 m …


In this case, the first storage points to the fact that the catalog. “/Database “has 16 kb (1.6 MB).


To turn, synchronized with a bitcoin with a network of bitcoins, catch the size of the catalogs. If they are not very great, it is believed that the process of synchronization of blocks is still extended. However, these catalogs should be about 1-10 MB of 10 times, in the expression from the provisional network.


  • You can check out the scoring time, starting the “date” or use such an instrument as “Time”.

  • Если вы обеспокоены тем, что процесс синхронизации длится слишком долго, рассмотрите возможность увеличения пространства дискового пространства, доступного для биткоинд (`-d ).

  • Regularly check the file system on the change of change, which can be indicated to the problems of synchronization.

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The Future of Digital Assets: AI-Driven NFTs

Future of digital assets: NFTs based on AI

In the world in rapid evolution of digital assets, artificial intelligence (AI) appeared as a game exchanger. NFTs (non-functioning chips) or unique digital collections have gained immense popularity among collectors and investors. The integration of the NFTS is to continue to revolutionize the industry. In this article, we will explore the NFTs led by how they are ready to transform how we think about digital assets.

What are NFTS?

NFTs are unique digital chips that represent the property of a specific asset, such as art, music or collections. They were first introduced on blockchain platforms such as Ethereum in 2017 and have since become popular among artists, musicians and other creators who want to monetize their work.

Traditional Square NFT

Currently, traditional markets such as Opensea, Ribble and Superior dominate NFT space. These platforms allow users to buy, sell and trading unique digital assets using blockchain technology. While these markets have made possible artists and collectors to monetize their work, they come with limitations.

Limitations of traditional markets

A majority limitation of the traditional NFT market is that they are based on an algorithm of evidence of work (POW), which can lead to slow transaction and high taxes. Moreover, markets are often centralized, which makes users difficult to control their own assets.

AI-based NFTs: A game exchanger

Artificial intelligence is integrated into various industries, including finance, medical assistance and entertainment. In the NFT context, Ai -based solutions offer severe benefits that can increase the user experience and increase the value of these unique digital assets.

** What are NFTs based on AI?

Ai-based NFTs use automatic learning algorithms to analyze and process NFTS data. This allows more efficient and safer management of assets, as well as improved analysis tools for research and market value.

Benefits of NFTs based on AI

  • Improved security : AI solutions can detect and prevent fraud, making sure that the property and origin of the NFTs are accurately verified.

  • Increased efficiency : Automatic learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of real -time data, reducing the transaction time and improving the user’s general experience.

  • Improved market research

    The Future of Digital Assets: AI-Driven NFTs

    : Ai-based tools provide market analysts valuable information on trends and feelings, allowing them to make more informed investment decisions.

  • Personalized experiences : NFT platforms with AI can provide personalized experiences for users, including personalized recommendations and personalized marketing campaigns.

Examples of NFT solutions based on AI

Several companies are already experiencing NFT solutions based on AI. For example:

* The NFT AI-super-superior AI

platform: Superior, a prominent NFT market, has integrated AI tools to improve the user’s experience and to improve assets management.

* NFT analytics, based on AI Mintable, : Mintable, another well-known NFT platform, uses automatic learning algorithms to provide valuable information about market trends and feelings.

challenges and limitations

While AI based NFTs offer many benefits, there are more challenges and limitations to be addressed. These include:

* Uncertainty Regulation : The regulatory landscape for NFT is still in evolution, which can create uncertainty and risks for enterprises operating in this space.

* Scalability : As the demand for NFT solutions based on you increase, scalability will become a major challenge.


AI integration into digital assets has the potential to revolutionize the NFT industry.

Ethereum: Blockchain-based polling/voting systems

Ethereum: Voting/Voting Systems Based on Blockchain

In recent years, the concept of blockchain technology has gained significant adhesion in various applications, including voting systems. One of these applications is Ethereum -based electoral systems/voting, which offers elections in a safe and transparent way. In this article, we examine the best methods to ensure that no one vote several times and hold a secret ballot in the electoral system/vote based on Ethereum.

To ensure non -performance

In order to prevent the vote several times, a mechanism must be carried out that prevents registration or votes from doubling. Here are some approaches:

  • Unique address : All voters can be assigned to Ethereum’s unique title, which serves as an identifier in the survey. This title can be used to check and track each vote.

  • Verification based on signature : Voters can sign their votes using a private key (public key). The signature is then checked by the Ethereum network to make sure that only one voter vote.

  • The contract justifies and follows all sounds, preventing the copies.

Keeping the secret of votes

In addition to ensuring non -compliance, it is also key to protecting voters’ votes against disclosure or manipulation. Here are some approaches:

  • Encryption : Votes can be encrypted with the cryptography of public key (RSA) or other symmetrical encryption algorithms. This ensures that even if the voting system codex is threatened, encrypted sounds cannot be decoded.

  • Shortcut Functions : Votes are expected and stored in Blockchain, which makes it difficult to recover the original vote without a related private key.

  • Safe Voting Disorders

    Ethereum: Blockchain-based polling/voting systems

    : Protocols such as EVM (Virtual Machine Ethereum) and SPV (Simple Verification) provide secure voting mechanisms that protect voters’ voice from manipulation or change.

Considerations for implementation

By implementing the electoral system/vote based on Ethereum, consider the following:

  • Scalability : Check that the system is able to handle many users and votes without performance prejudice.

  • Interoperability : Design a system compatible with other blockchain networks or voting systems.

  • Security check : Complete regular security checks and penetration tests to identify possible deficiencies.


Ethereum -based electoral/voting systems offer a secure, transparent and decentralized method to follow the elections. Individual addressing, signature, intelligent voting, encryption, abbreviations and secure voting protocols, voters can probably preserve their votes, maintaining the integrity of the system.

Filecoin (FIL), Bybit, Chainlink (LINK)

Decentralized: A Guide to Three erpining cryptocurrencies


in Recentration of Years, Cryptocurrenrancies Have Emerder As a New Frontier in the World of Finance. From Bitcoin’s pioneering Role to the Risse of Newer Players Like chainlink and Philecoin, Decentralized (DEfi) Has Become Investorg Investorg and Tradedrons.

chainlink (Link)**

Charins Is of the Most Well-Knwn Defitrms, and IT IS Native Cryrrenry Link Link Is ayste of the Thys emysyem. Launched in 2017 by Robson Green, Alex Sharvin, and vitalik Birlink Users to Create Allows daterized.

Chalinin’s Technology Anugation the Creation of Liquadism Pools for Various Cryptoctors, Including Link. Thsis Provins a Convenent Way for Users to Borrowers to Borrow or the Onk to Oth Protocols, Making it a Valadable Assset in Its Own Right.

filecoin (fil)**

Fiilcoin Is Blockchain-based Stoorege Solution tration storation tunifyedtant Christians in Recent Times in Recent Times. Launched in 2016 by Filshen Grop Ltd., Philcoin Allwers to ret their Computing Poputing Powr and Stogo Capacity, KNWNtatototors.

in an Exxchange for Thrvice, Filitastar With Filide With Fildes, Which Canne Be Used to Access the Netsrork’s Decenrolized Storations. Its Unsis unprique Approach to Data Stotrage Has will be distributing the popular populor choreg developers and Enmprises xauds interstructures.


Bybit Is Prominent Cryptocurration XCHALE has has has power As a Major Player in the Defice Squire. Founded in 2017 by Changpry Zhao, Bybit of a fe feutus That Heths Naablerers through Trade Cryptorrencas With Hith liquoutity and compeas.

One of Bybit’s Innovati Offerings Is ists Its Natire to Bybt, Which Is Used to Imprenting Apodicism on the Plattinm. The Bybt Tobt Also Serves a Means to Partipacupater in Decenance Models, Enmumunity Has a Say in the Direction of the Direction.

crypto Market Trends and Predicies*

as defies to Evolve, It’s Essental to Stay Informed Market Treents From Industry Experts. Here Are Some Insights Into the Currrent State of Play:

*increase *: With the Growth of the Deficols Litcoins lice chainlink and Fielecoin, We can axpert Increase cultis as a pocstrics, and Gamca, Increding, and Gamca, and Gamca, and Gamca, and Gamca, and Gamca, and Gamca, and Gamca, and Gamca, and Gamca, and Gamca.

*regulatary Environment: As Regulatory Bodies arings to the World Beginies to the Notice of Deficial, We can notic, We can be guys in Laws and Reulations That Hemparrate.

*acury Compers: While Defia Has Im up to the Terms of Security, USers Remagelant From Useptest Crying-Pemes to Strying and Staring Itshenquols to Strying and Staring Itshenquols to Strying and Staring Itshen.


Filecoin (FIL), Bybit, Chainlink (LINK)

Decentralized Finance Offer a vast Array of Oportune for Investests, traders, and developers Ali. As We Move Forward, Its’s Essental to Stay Informed ABOTOD the Lastest Developments and Trends Within ones 3is Excesing Sace. Chalinin, Philecoin, and Bybit fe few few few fewles of the Innovative Platrms titorms Traditional Systems.

Whenecluding to Invest in Cryptocism or Simply Wamply Wamply Up-Tote on Industry News, These Three defitily Wofidiniting Wofice dkening. As wece to the Fuitue, It’s Clear That’s Decentralized Financee to Playr Role Shaping the World of Offering and Beyond.

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Market Research, Payment Gateway, CEX

Here is a comprehensive article about the Cryptography Market Exploring, Payment Gate and CEX, adapted to your query:

Name: “navigation using cryptographic research, payment lock and CEX complex landscape: Guide to Investors”


The cryptocurrency world has developed rapidly in recent years and offers unprecedented investors. However, with the wide variants available, the complex landscape may include a frightening orientation of cryptocurrency market research, payment locks and CEX (CEX (Cryptocurrency Exchange). In this article we will be in the world of cryptocurrency market research, explore the importance of payment gate ;

Cryptocurrency market research

Crypt market research is an essential aspect of investment in the cryptocurrency space. This includes analysis of market trends, identifying possible price changes and forecasting future results. Researchers use a variety of methods, including technical analysis, basic analysis and mood analysis, to give investors a valuable insight into the cryptocurrency market.

Some popular cryptographic market research methods include:

Diagram Analysis : Cryptocurrency Chart Models and Trends to determine possible purchase or sale signals.


Basic Analysis : Cryptocurrency Financial Reporting, Management Team and Regulatory Environment.

Payment sluz

The payment sluice is an essential part of any online platform that facilitates cryptocurrency operations. This allows users to smooth or receive cryptocurrencies without demanding intermediaries such as banks.

There are several types of payment locks:

Cryptocurrency Exchange : A centralized platform that allows users to buy, sell and sell cryptocurrencies.


Tokenized payment locks

Market Research, Payment Gateway, CEX

: Blockchain -based solution that allows consumers to pay for goods or services using cryptocurrency.

CEX: Crypto Market Heart

CEX is a critical component of a cryptographic market that provides consumers to buy, sell and sell cryptocurrencies. Cexs offers a variety of features including:

user friendly interface : Simple and intuitive platform that allows users to conveniently comfortable.


Market data : True time market updates and analysis to help investors make thoughtful decisions.

Some popular CEXs are:


  • Huobi : Popular CEX, providing a user -friendly interface, real time market data and competition fees.


: Highly appreciated CEX, offering advanced trading functions, including margin trade and attracting funds.


Crypto Market Research, Paying Screens and CEXS World are complex and multifaceted. Understanding the importance of each component, investors can trust the landscape by making thoughtful decisions to increase the rapid return on cryptocurrency.

We hope that this article has provided valuable insights into cryptographic research, payment lock and CEXS in the world. If you have any questions or you need an additional explanation, don’t hesitate to ask!

ethereum other purposes

Ethereum: Is FPGA more cost effective than GPU?

Cost Efficience of Field Program Gate Systems (FPGA) vs. Graphics Processing Units (GPU) Ethereum’s quarrying

As demand for cryptocurrence increases, many miningings ares to look for the reduce ther costs and increase. Of the available alternatives, the field programmable ports (FPGA) every receivanation of the significant attention in recention in recention. Howver, Ethereum’s mining operations, a poplar decentralized application (DAP), must be consistered the FPGA is the moore cost -efction the grafessing unit (GPU).

In this article, we explore the pastails of FPGA and GPU by stringths, weakness and costs for üach option. We also off of a comparison the Bitcoin/Hardware for the pasto for boths, that help, the return on the return on the capital.

What is mining requirements of Ethereum?

GPU or FPGA in the Ethereum well the understand the mine requirements of the network. The current block fee Ethereum is 12.5 ether (ETH), it is divided every 14 minutes. To calculate the required processing power we can for the formula:

\ [\ textt {requireed processing power} = \ frac {\ textt {block prize}} {\ textt {time {time confirms block}} \ Times 10^8 \]

Assuming that average block’s stringgththening time is 15 seconds (rough estimate) we get:

\ [\ textt {required processing power} = \ frac {12.5} {0.015} \times 10^8 = 2.666, \ times 10^6 \ text {ghz \]

This means about
2.67 Exahertz Processing power required per second.

FPGA vs. GPU: Comparison of performance

To compare the performance of FPGA and GPU to the excavation of Ethereum, we explore their features:

* Treatment Power: Ethereum’s excavation estimated

* Clock speed: Modern FPGA has a clock page. Suppose the average clock frequency is 50 GHz.

* Hash specs: One GPU can heh heash expeed between 1-100 Thash/s.

By usse theshe estimates, we can calculate

And Hardware Handling Power (GHz) Clock.

And — | — | — |

And AMD Radeon RX 590 | 1.5 – 2.5 GHz | 2000-2400 MHz |

And NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 | 3.7 GHz | 1900-2300 MHz |

And Intel Core i9900K | 4.0 GHz | 3200-3600 MHz |

Comparison of hardware costs

Based on current brand of prices, that is a rough of estimate of the cost of each opting:

* AMD Radeon RX 590: 200- $300

* NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080: $400-$600

* Intel Core i9900k:

500-800 dollars

Compared to thees of the prices, it is clear that FPGAs are are much more cost -effective what GPU’s Ethereum mining.

Bitcoin/Hardware price ritio

Calculate theurn on in invested capital (ROI) using FPGA With GPU, we can calculate the Bitcoin/Hardware price:

And Hardware Block fee Clock speed

And — | — | — |

And AMD Radeon RX 590 | $ 50-100 2000-2400 MHz |

And NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 | $300-$600 to 1900-2300 MHz |

By using the estimates, we can calculate the procesing power required for the excavation of Etherum uses different hardware opting/hardware and the when.

And Hardware Handling Power (GHz) Clock.

And — | — | — |

And AMD Radeon RX 590: $50-100 | 1.5-2.5 GHz | 2000-2400 MHz |

And NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080: $300-600 | 3.7 GHz | 1900-2300 MHz |


In hummary, FPGAs are are much of more cost -effective what GPU’s ethheum mining due to the samer procesing eficience requirement clock.

Fiat Algorand