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Generating the receiving address from P2Wash Multi-Sig Script

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Although deeper in the understanding of Bitcoins and its basic protocols, it is crucial to examine the mechanisms used in portfolios to facilitate safe transactions. One of the key aspects is to generate receiving addresses needed to receive funds from other users.

In this article, we will examine how to generate influence from the Multi-Sig P2SH script in Python.

preliminary requirements


  • Knowledge of the Bitcoin base and the P2ASH protocol

  • Basic understanding of the program concept



The P2ASH multi -lane script is a kind of portfolio that allows safe transactions with more signing. Here is an example of how it can be implemented:


Have a hashlib

Binascia import

From Emhovnic imports Bech32

Bitcoin: (Programming Q) Generating receive addresses from p2wsh multi-sig script?

Define a constant blockchain and signature performance parameters

Blockchain_hash = "your_blockchain_hash_here"

Bermetra parameter = 3

Def derive_signature (p, r, s):

"" "Make a signature using the" "" "" "" "

Return (hexphs (P) .decode () + hashlib.sha256 (b "s" .Encode ()). Digest (). Hex ()) % 100000

Def P2WPUB_Script (P, SIG, R, S, N):

"" "Generate P2Wash Multi-Sig Script" "" "

Return Bech32.decode_P2WSH_Script (

f "1. {sig}. {r}. {s}. {n}",

[Hexlify (P) .decode (), hashlib.sha256 (b "s" .Encode ()). Digest (). hex ()]]]


Def main ():

Make a public key, signature and random number

P = deleve_signature ("your_public_key_here", 0x12, 0x34)

r = performance_SIGNATURE (p, 1, 2)

S = Performance_SIGNATURE (R, 3, 4)

n = derive_signature (p, 5, 6)

Generate P2Wash Multi-Sig script

Script = p2wpub_script (p, none, r, s, n)

Print the generated script

Print (script.decode ("UTF-8"))

If __Name__ == "__Main__":


generating the receiving address


Receiving the address is a unique identifier that can be used to receive funds from other users. In the context of P2WWash, the addresses of the party are usually performed using a similar procedure.

The “P2WPUB_SCRIPTfunction generates a P2ash multi -lane script, which contains a public key, signature, random number and parameters that are not accidental (R, S, N). To generate the receipt of addresses from this script, we must perform a unique identifier that is not present in the script.

Here is an updated version of the code:

` Python

Have a hashlib

Binascia import

Define a constant blockchain and signature performance parameters

Blockchain_hash = “your_blockchain_hash_here”

Sigderavitation of theprameter = 3

Def derive_signature (p, r, s):

“” “Make a signature using the” “” “” “” “

Return (hexphs (P) .decode () + hashlib.sha256 (b “s” .Encode ()). Digest (). Hex ()) % 100000

Def P2WPUB_Script (P, SIG, R, S, N):

“” “Generate P2Wash Multi-Sig Script” “” “

Return Bech32.decode_P2WSH_Script (

f “1. {sig}. {r}. {s}. {n}”,

[Hexlify (P) .decode (), hashlib.sha256 (b “s” .Encode ()). Digest (). hex ()]]]


Def derive_receive_address (script, script_hash):

“” “Make the receipt address from P2Wash Multi-Sig Script” “” “

Stand out that they are not random (R, S, N) and the abbreviation parameters

R, s, n = formulation_pameters (script)

Make a unique identifier with SHA-256

ID = HASHLIB.SHA256 (R + S + N.ENCODE ()). Digest ()

Return f “2. {Id.hex ()} {blockchain_hash}”

Defin extract_pameters (script):

“” “Say parameters that are not random (r, s, n) and abbreviation from the script” “”

House the signature, random number and parameters that are not random

R, s = fragment_signature (script)

id = hashlib.sha256 (r + s.encode ()).