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Signing Ethereum Transactions Using SegWit with Nbitcoin

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What is segwit?

Before diving into the details, let’s quickly cover what segwit is. Segwit is a new standard it uses a novel consensus algorithm called Lightning Network (LN) to face-to-place transactions.

Nbitcoin: A Lightweight Bitcoin Implementation

Nbitcoin is an open-source, decentralized implementation of Bitcoin designed for small-scale users and developers who want to use bitcoin without the hassle of installing a full node or mainitaining a complex network. It supports multiple programs and has a relatively low barrier to entry.

Signing SegWit Transactions with Nbitcoin

Ethereum: How to sign a SegWit transaction via NBitcoin?

To sign a transaction using segwit with nbitcoin, follow these steps:

  • Install the nbitcoin library : first, you need to install the nbitcoin library on your machine. You can do this by running npm install nbitcoin (if you are using node.js) orpip install nbitcoin.

  • Create a new transaction : use the nbitcoin sdk to create a new transaction. Here’s an example:


Const NBT = Require (‘Nbitcoin’);

// Create a New Wallet

let mywallet = nbt.newwallet ();

// Create a new transaction from Another Wallet

mywallet.from (‘1234567890abcdef’)

.Adaddress (‘1A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8i9J10K11L12M13N14O15P16Q17R18S19T20U21V223X24Y25Z26’)))

.setfee (0.00001)

.Addinput ({{{

‘from’: {

‘Address’: ‘1234567890abcdef’,

‘Amount’: 10,

‘scriptsig’: {

‘PubKey’: ‘1A1B2C3D4E5f6G7H8i9J10K11L12M13N14O15P16Q17R18S19T20U21V223X24Y25Z26’,

‘sequence’: 0



‘to’: {

‘Address’: ‘1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9i10J11K12L13M14N15O16P17Q18R19S20T21U22V23W24X25Y26Z27’



.Sign (‘0x1234567890abcdef’);


() Nbt.newwallet () And then add another wallet from which to transfer funds. We set the fee to 1% of the transaction amount (in this case,

  • Sign the transaction : use the sign method to sign the transaction:


mywallet.sign (‘0x1234567890abcdef’);



Important Notes




By following these steps, you can successionfully sign Ethereum transactions using segwit with nbitcoin. Happy Coding!

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