Ethereum transaction IDs (txIds) are used to identify each unique transaction that occurs on the Ethereum network. However, finding duplicate txIds is a complex problem due to several factors:
: The Genesis Block is the starting point of the Ethereum blockchain, and its txId is fixed. All subsequent transactions have a different txId than their genesis counterpart. This means that every transaction in the network has a unique txId.
To detect two txIds, we need to analyze both the genesis blocks and subsequent transactions. Here are some steps you can take:
Step 1: Analyze the genesis blocks
Step 2: Analyze subsequent transactions
Step 3: Mutated Transactions
Sample Code
Below is an example of how you can use the ethers.js library to query all transactions on the Ethereum network and detect duplicate txIds:
const ethers = require('ethers');
// A function that queries all transactions on the Ethereum network
async function getTransactions() {
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("
const accounts = await provider.getAccounts();
const txIds = [];
for (const account of accounts) {
try {
const blockNumber = await provider.getBlockNumber(account.address);
const txs = await provider.getTransactionLogs(account.address, "latest", null);
for (const tx of txs) {
if (txIds.length === 0 || txIds[txIds.length - 1] !== {
// Optional: Mutated transactions
const mutatedTx = await provider.getTransactionLog(account.address, "latest", null);
if (mutatedTx.gasCost > txs[0].gasCost || mutatedTx.blockNumber < txs[0].blockNumber) {
} catch (error) {
// Handle errors as needed
return txIds;
// Usage example:
async function main() {
const txIds = await getTransactions();
console.log("Duplicate txIds:", txIds);
// Optional: Mutated transactions
const mutatedTxId = await getMutatedTransaction(txIds);
if (mutatedTxId) {
console.log("Mutated transaction found:", mutatedTxId);
return null;
main().catch((error) => {
This code snippet shows how to query all transactions on the Ethereum network and detect duplicate txIds. However, please note that this is just an example and you may need to adapt it to your project requirements.