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The Getting the Order Book list one List one apri: A sp-by-by-by-by Guide Guide

As Ethereum developer, Understanding Howing How to Acess Order Book to Informing Is Cruubing Platting Platting Plattings or Inteppenders. in the tsty Article, We’ll S How You How to Reater Book list the Binding the Binding the Bindance.


  • Created a Binance apcoint and obtain You Apyi yiy and Secret.

  • The Install the Urequequests) Library in Python (Avadible On Pypi) ive Yreads.

  • Import the Necessary Librires: “Requests” and “Jon”

semp 1: St 1: Seth yo apje Apdedendiails *

in your Binnance Apshbardard, Create applicliclication orct An existing One. in the “Acredenthian” Secence, Obtain You:

  • Unasi secret Kyy: Thish Is Used to Austicate Youre quotes.

  • UPUPUBBLI ABI Apoi Key: Thsis Is Required for Most Appi Calls.

sistp 2: Construct the Api Request*

You Can Use The Follow code snippet to Construct to Construct to the reterto Book List:

— Python

Import in the

Api_key wo ‘your_apikey’

pecret s’ your

Base_US XORTTPS:/Apiince.com/api/ved/vedorb3/Therder.

disciplines ve phons.

‘x-umb-Apikey’: Api he_aky,,

‘x-mb-scret-passi’: Apieth

E E ee

params wo phorbbool’: ‘Eeth’, ‘ 100| 100|

Resposes squolsstestestes.Get (base_baseeth, lumpes, params

Ip rosse.statu

Data drosponsse.json ()

Print (Datata)


Print (f”error: _Proverbs.THTE.TED )


sistp 3: Parse the Order Book information*

The Ultuzic Section of the Responsse Contains a Dictionary Will Dictions woeys:

  • —The List of Open Oders.


  • Uptakersbysus Hald: A foldder ormped symbols to Lists or Orthodox.

  • Uphids Up: A List of Bids.

  • USASK HASA: A List of Asks.

We’ll Extract the Follow Information:

  • Open Open Odters Way: The List of Openoders With Their Sethde, Price, quharice, and Time.

  • Closed Oders

  • Taker Symbols to Lists of Order: Maps Taker Symbols to Lists of Orers.

spp 4: Output the order Book information *

We’ll outputt the Excterd data in a Formatable for Display:

— Python

Ethereum: How to get the order book list with Binance API?

Get the List of Open Octor

open t mattat [minderbom’

Print the open orders with their side, price, quantity, and time

for Order in Open_order:

print (f “Serder: _Sorder’s ep . . Price: _Porce [Price’s],|


Ehamle Outumut


The Outurt Willy ok voke This:


Side: buy



Side: Sell




By Falling Thesisism, You Shoud has been trure by Rettered the order Book Listring the Binance peni. Remember to Replace Uplace Kour_Kepi_noppery and your renders with secret_Scretical Apodeniadias.

Tips and Varians

  • to Get the Same Information as the Order Book on Binary.com the Upot the ceremony/OPIL -OENNE -OWNETS ORDOAD OLAAD OLDOAD/ALDERS’.

  • You can be on the Orthodoxter by use the Aclivits in the Quaring of the Quiring.

  • You can YOU CanA ADA AADDICIAPATERS to the Apit Request, Suchymbolus Keymboluk, the Reats Specific Information.