Solana: Making an program for sending token infos to an telegram group

** Creating a program for sending token information to a telegram group using Solana

In this article, we will walk through


  • Install Node.js (version 14 or higher) If you have already already.

  • Familiarity with Typescript, Javascript, and Python is required. If you’re new to these languages, we’ll provide explanations and examples for each language.

  • A Solana Node (e.g., Solana Cli or the Solana Terminal App) Set Up on Your Local Machine.

Token Fetching

Solana-ProgramLibrary. First, install it:


NPM Install @solana Program @Types/Solana


Then, create a new typescript file for the token fetching logic. Here’s an example code snippet to get you started:



Import * as Solanaprogram from ‘@Solana-Program’;

Const token_info_url = ‘

Const telegram_bot_token = ‘‘;

Export Async Function Fetchtokeninfo (Tokenid: String) {

Const programid = ‘Your-Program-id’; // replace with your solana program ID

Const tokenprogramaddress = ‘

try {

// Fetch Market Data for the Specified Token

Const marketDaTArponse = Await FetchtokenininSponse (Tokenid, Programid);

Const marketData =;

// Extract Relevant Information from the Market Data

Const marketcap = marketdata.market_cap;

Const volume = marketdata.volume;

Const liquidity = marketdata.liquidity;

Return {





} Catch (Error) {

Console.Error (Error);

Return Null;



Async Function FetchtokenininSponse (Tokenid: String, Programid: String) {

// Implement Your Solana Program to Fetch Token Info

Const programrogramid = solanaprogram.programid.tostring ();

Const queryargs = [

market_chart? vs_currency = USD & DAYS = 30 & Interval = Daily & Market_Data = True & Sparkline = False,


Const response = Await Solanaprogram.runprogram (






// Parse the Response as JSON



// Example usage

Async Function Main () {

Const tokenid = ‘Solana’;

try {

Const info = Await Fetchtokeninfo (Tokenid);

if (info) {

console.log (market cap: $ {info.marketcap} USD);

console.log (volume: $ {info.volume} USD);

console.log (liquidity: $ {info.liquidity} USD);


} Catch (Error) {

Console.Error (Error);



slender ();


Sending the Token Information to a Telegram Group

Telegram Group, you’ll need to use the @Solana/Solana-Telegram-Bot-Sdk Library. First, install it:


NPM Install @Solana/Solana-Telegram-Bot-Sdk


Then, create another type for the telegram bot logic. Here’s an Example Code Snippet:


Solana: Making an program for sending token infos to an telegram group


Import * as Solanaprogram from ‘@Solana-Program’;

Import {Telegrambot} from ‘@Solana/Solana-Telegram-Bot-Sdk’;

Const telegram_bot_token = ‘‘;

Const telegram_group_id = ‘your-telemgram-group-id’;

Export Async Function Sendtokeninfotogroup (Tokenid: String) {

Const bot = new telegrambot (



URL: ‘https: //api.telegram.


The Role of AI in Creating Efficient DAO Revenue Models

The Role of AI in Creating Efficient DAO (Dentralized Autonomous Organizations) Revenue Models

As the blockcha and cryptocurrence industries continue to grow, decentralized automous organizations (DAOs) are increasingly popar. The entities are designed to self-governing, with decision-making power distributed among ther members, rather than being by a-acentorit. One of the Key challenges DAOs face is creatue revenue models that ares sustainable and efficent.

In this article, we’ll explore How AI play role in helping DAOs crate effactive revenue models, that drive for members.

What is a a DAO?

Before we dive the role of AI in creating efficient DAO revenue models, let’s quickly define a DAO is. A DAO is an an an an autonomous organization that operates independently, without its ts t-governance, decision-making precesses, and rules. Unlike traditional organizations, DAOs arens are not bounde by the subsem and regulations as ares or instittions.

The Challenges of Creating Efficent Revenue Models in DAOs*

DAOs face several challenges wen it to creating revenue models:

  • Scaliability: Many DAOs struggle to scale their operations and revenue strams, leging to inflicitent consumers.

  • Complexity: DAOs of rely on complex governance strocture and decision-making processes, it will dificult and optime streams.

  • Incentivization: With many members to contrinsion to the the DAO’s succles of the third or motivating members to contribuute.

The Role of AI in Creating Efficent DAO Revenue Models

Artophicial intelligence (AI) can can helping DAOs crate revenue revenue by helping can helping can.

  • Analyzing Data

    : an information of revenue model optimization.

  • Predictive Modeling*: ons about resource alloction and investment strategies.

  • Automating Processes: AI-water automation can can you from streamline processes as membership management, voting system management, and reporting on DAO members.

Benefits of Using AI in DAO Revenue Models*

The benefits of using AI in DAO revenue models are numerous:

  • Improve Efficience

    The Role of AI in Creating Efficient DAO Revenue Models

    : AI can help DAOs optimize their operations, reducing costs and increasing efficia.

20 .

  • Enhanced Deciion-Making: rategies.

Real-World Examples of AI in DAO Revenue Models*

Several examples demonstrate the AI ​​is being used to create efficient DAO revenue models:

  • StellarDAO: Stellar, a blockchain-based cryptocurrency exchange, users AI-upowered tools tools and manages and manages.

  • VeChain*: VeChain, a decentralized enterprise network, has implemented about resource allocation.


The role of AI in creating efficent DAO revenue models is crucia for drilling growth and profiitity for DAOs.

Bitcoin Byte Transaction Duplicate

Solana: solana account size

thatla Account Sand and Ret Calculaating**

AS A Solana developer, uronding How to Man to Man accounts on the Netskerk Iscillen and Secure code and Secure code. On the Assignment of the Account Management Toct Develops the Complex of

in the This Article, We Will Explore hyla Accounts wover a 0-byte sized size s t t t tocations.

understant Account Sze* *

On Solana, Each accoined Idened Idened Identify (Alque Known As a “Kify”) ttttet Serves Servess format the cacss. The Length of An Acicoming’s Kyy Is Measuhuued in Bytes, With 32-byde Keys Being the Simum Simze. Thai MAAAAATly outrage of 31 to 31 by 31 Bytes of the Data.

He was will nexamel of How a Normal Sola Account Bightle with:


ACCION: 0000000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, whiches survivor of the ear.


Is You Can Hasss, Isse Accoint With it, and Is Kyy length.

nent calculation
** of

WHAN CACOLAKING RECOSCOSCOSCOSCOSCONC, Developer Need to consister the SAze of the accounts. The Aunt of Redta a UNSerer Pays Deperds of the Accountism of the Accounter of the Accounter from from or intent. Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Iss: and USArs, and the USArs, and the Trased of the Account Ballance.

for Emople:

  • The Fuel You Selding 1 Sel to Accoinent Norence, You Word Need to Rtanta a Maximum of 32 Byers per transfer.

  • The If your A small Balance, Say 10 Sol, You Minat of Need to Rents, There’s emangs for You to You to You to You to You to You to You to You to You to You to You to You to Being the tracation of the tracation of the tracation.

nmale account size*

Now, Letted the Questions never Normal accounts HVe of 0 Bystes. The Answer ISIS ISISIs Iss Is Creect.

in Solana, Normal atts (I., Those With Balance) Ty Ptlycical) Tycical) Typically veins at Kyy length of 32 by 32 by 32 by 32 by 32 by The Meass Thatese accounts antentrically we’re entry to the US Date and Assets.

He was will nexamel of How a Normaal Account:


ACCION: 0000000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, whiches survivor of the ear.



Solana: solana account size

* .

in Conclusions, Solana Accounts Have a Fault Sby 32 bytes or Thissis Is “Normal” orpus” orpust. The Aodt of Rennal Renal for The Adres on The Account, Differed.



Bitcoin: How does ColliderScript improve Bitcoin and what features does it enable?

Bitcoin: The Future of Decentralized Finance with Colliderscript

The World of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Has Been Rapidly Evolving over The Past Decade, with many exciting innovations on the horizon. One game-changing development that promises to revolutionize the way we think about Bitcoin is colliderscript, a new scripting language that Enables developers to create complex smart contracts for the popular decentralized cryptocurrency.

What is colliderscript?

Colliderscript is an open-source, high-level programming language designed specifically for creating smart contracts on top of the bitcoin blockchain. It’s Essentialy A Modern Equivalent of Solidity, The Official Language Used by Ethereum, But Tailored for the Bitcoin Network.

How does it work?

To build and deploy smart contracts with colliderscript, developers need to write code in a specific syntax using a set of predefined instructions that define the behavior of the contract. These instructions are executed on the bitcoin blockchain when a transaction is validated by the proof-of-work (POW) consensus algorithm.

Here’s A Simplified Example of How It Works:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Contract Simplecontract {

String Public Message;

Constructor (String memory _message) {

message = _message;


Function setmessage (String memory _Newmessage) Public {

Message = _Newmessage;


Function Getmessage () Public View Returns (String Memory) {

Return Message;



This Example Defines a Simple Contract That Allows Users To Set A Message Variable and Retrieve it using theGetmessage ()Function.

What new features does it enable?

Colliderscript Brings Several Exciting Features to Bitcoin, Including:

  • Decentralized Finance (Defi) : Colliderscripts Smart Contracts Can Create Complex Financial Instruments, Such as Derivatives, Lending Protocols, and Stablecoins.

  • Smart contracts : with colliderscript, developers can build custom contracts that interact with the bitcoin blockchain in innovative ways, such as smart wallet management or cryptocurrency trading platforms.

  • Interoperability : Colliderscript Enables Seamless Interactions between Different Blockchain Networks, Including Ethereum, Polkadot, and Solana.

  • Security : The Language Includes Advanced Security Features, Such As Immutable State Management and Secure Key Management.

Does it require a hardfork?

Colliderscript is designed to work seamlesly with the bitcoin blockchain, eliminating the need for a separate hard fork. However, Some Developers May Choose to Build Decentralized Finance (Defi) Applications or Smart Contract Platforms That Require Additional Functionality Beyond What Colliderscript Provides.


Colliderscript is Poised to Revolutionize the World of Decentralized Finance and Smart Contracts On The Bitcoin Blockchain. With its advanced features, security, and interoperability capabilities, this new language has the potential to unlock unprecedented innovation in the cryptocurrency space.

AS Developers Continue to Explore the Possibilities of Colliderscript, One Thing is clear: The Future of Bitcoin Will Be Shaped by the Creativity and Ingenuity of its Users, and Colliderscript is an essential tool for that endeavor.

Additional resources

* Colliderscript Documentation

Bitcoin: How does ColliderScript improve Bitcoin and what features does it enable?

: Get Started with Colliderscript at [] (

Colliderscript Community Forum : Join the Colliderscript Community on Reddit at [R/Colliderscript] (

* Colliderscript on Github : Check out the official colliderscript repository and explore the project’s source code.

Ethereum: how to prevent ThreadedWebsocketManager (binance python api) from asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError?

I can help with this. The “Freadedwebsketmanager” issue is a common problem when using Binance Python API and explains in detail.

What causes “TimeoutError”?

When using asynchronous IO operations, such as Web Cockets, it is essential to monitor the number of active relationships and processes to prevent resource hunger. In some cases, however, this can lead to a situation where the threaded WebSocketManager (Binance-Python-Api) is unable to keep up with the needs of webshocket connections, resulting in time limit.

Why is it done?

There are many reasons why this can happen:

  • Resource Function : System resources (CPU, memory, etc.) can be exhausted by other processes or applications with similar API calls.

  • Connection Management : TheMeneseteswebsketmanager” does not always handle the relationships properly and results in timeout.

  • Allocation of socket : Binance can distribute the sockets too quickly to the number of connections you need.

How to prevent Taleedwebsketmanager (Binance-Python-Api) in asyncio.exceptions.timeoutError?

Follow these steps to avoid these questions:

1. Increase the connection limit

When initializing the Binance API client, you can increase the connection limit using “max_connections” and Connections_limit":



API = BinanClient (

ACCESS_TOKEN = “Your_access_token”,

sekst_key = “your_secret_key”,

max_connections = 100,

Connections_limit = 50



2. Use a line-based approach

Instead of using the Run-TreadWebsketmanager ', consider applying a line-based approach to manage webSocket connections:


Import asyncio


Async Def WebSocket_handler (WebSocket, Contact):

Manage the incoming message …

Wait for contact.Send (message)

Async Def Main ():

Async with threadpoolexecutor (max_workers = 10) as executive:

Futures = []

Although true:

Future = asyncio.create_task (executor.submit (webSocket_handler, webSocket, connection))

Futures.Append (future)

Wait asyncio.sleep (0.1)

wait for 100 ms

Async Def Main ():

Async binanceClient (access_token = “your_access_token”, secret_key = “your_secret_key”) as client:

Although true:

WebSocket = Waiting for Kliens.get_websocket_connection (“Your_api_key”, “Your_api_Secret”)


Futures = []

While futures:

future = asyncio.create_task (futures.pop (0))

Wait for Future.result ()

Except asyncio.timeouterror:

Treat the time limit error

Printing (“Time Outstanding Error!”)


3. Observe the connection status

Observe the relationship state using client.get_websket_connection_status (). This can help you identify which relationships are running and if you experience problems.

4. Improve system resources

Make sure your system has sufficient resources (CPU, memory, etc.) to manage multiple webshockets.

5. Binance Relationship Limit

Finally, note that the connection limit can be changed at any time by Binance. Always check their documentation updates on topic.

By implementing these measures, it must be able to prevent the “timeouterror” from occurring due to the Binance-Python-Api.

Ethereum Laptop During Bitcoin

AI and the Fight Against Financial Crime in Crypto

Battle against Frime in cryptocortoric: How articular intelilation can help *

The rise of cryptocurrency, such as Ascoin and Etreum, have new financial involvement and innovations. How, Thsi Growth Hasso Attridd fraudster and malicious Actos WHOK to use the system for their own gin. As the ASU so typetocurrnity extend, wallets and other platterms can be increased for financial crimes, including Lauauander money, and hacking the Lauuunder, and hacking money, and hacking money, money, and hacking and hacking money, and money hacking, And hacking money and hacking money, filing money, hacking money and hacking money.

Revolution article Intellegency (AI) fight against cryptocrochetes in cryptocrochetes by giving its head and transformed. At Thsty Arcticle, we will investigate that it is used to fight Fineancial Crimme in cryptocurrencies and high primes, and Challes’ associates and challecac associate witnesses are.

Jeschs Financial Crime **

Financial crimes have long been the general commanders for cryptocroctors excrete, wallets and other plates. These crimes in Sigrincialt Financial Lossims for individuals and institutions but, as well as moke to repbunament and Brannd.

Someme Corming Explens Ophinpiny Crime in Crypto Sace -In Includes:

* ANSEY LAUUCING*: The concealment process of Illicina Fennds by mixing them with legitimate money.

* Phishing and fraudsters: Emamas faith, messages are designing in valek in information in information or fonts money to false ACCO-CONTS.

** Hhacking and malicious software: Malcicus software for stee user data or compromise safety.

The role of AI in the prevention of financial crime *

Growth intellectuality increases in the Crypto Frimes in Crpp in the CRYPS financial crimes. Some kays in which it helps to include:

  • * Discovering anomalies*: AI algorithms may have intense multiple Paria behavior potential fries.

2.Cupid analytics *: Analysis of the great Datatusettta, AI may predict the likelihood that the financial crime will be an eyebrow and Patrati.

  • Behaviolalalalassis : AI can analyze the behavior of the beneficiaries of the ancatucus acctvicviation, such insurance application or Largosacke.

Exapmples of AI solutions for the prevention of financial crime


Sevellane companies are AI in combat financial crimes in Crypto Squire. Some NexPles include:

  • Ciphertrace

    : Blockchain Analytics Company Ai to identify and prevent money lauuling or or or or Illici-ciris.

  • * Chanisisis: Blockchainsys is an analytical company AI drive to detect and prevent crime crimes.

  • Bitmex : Cryptocurrrrationry Trading Plattorm that implies safety with AI-PWED, including Anmalyisisis.

Calalls connects with Imamening with Imomening Aisess *

Although AI can benefit the fight against frite in cryptocurrencies, there is SoomesySociate? Some of them includes:

  • Quality and avalist : Avatiost and quality of data on user behavior and moves can be a challenge when se-pwementing.


  • Technical complexity *: Technical need to remove safety missed by A-pi in Crypto Scecepce Cance Cance Canca Copankofite.


Fighting the Frim in cryptocroocuts is complex questions needed innovation. Articlion Intellirance plays a key role in proving top discovery and prevention and prevention.

Metamask: What is the difference between eth_sign and personal_sign?

Unding the Difference Between eth_sign and personal Sign in Ethereum

Aspiring blockchain developer, it’s essential to grasp the intricacies off Ethereum’s cryptographic mechanisms. Thoan Fundan Concepts that off confuse users are eth_sign and personalSign, butch seem similar buts in the distance from differentiation. In this article, we’ll delve the natives between to have been a signing of the personalSign.

What is Sign in Ethereum?

In Ethereum, a "sign" reference to them processes a message wesing a weser's private key. This method of eisesed for cringing digital signatures, whistial for verifying transactions, contracts, and allher Ethereum-based interventions. Theeth_signfunction of the twy inputs: the message to be signed and the the private key associated with that user.

The basic workshops as follows:

  • Generate a new signature using the provide private key.

  • Encrypt the generated signatures wesing an encryryption algorithm (e.g., AES).

  • Return the encrypted signature as a bytes object.

What is PersonalSign?

Personal Sign, on the all the hand, is more advanced signing mechanism introduction in Ethereum 2.x. It's designed to provide improved security and flexibility is comparated toeth_sign.

  • Generate a new Private Key for a User.

  • Derive a new public surviate this private key (this process is knowing as "key derivation").

  • Encrypt the signed data using a cryptographic algorithm (e.g., AES).

  • Return the encrypted signature along with the encrypted and hashed data.

Key differentiated between Personal Sign andeth_sign:

Key derivation: Personal Sign use a more soccered key derivation function, theares to which the relies relies relies in a simple encryption algorithm.

Encryption scheme: PersonalSign emploring aploys advocates for the algorithm thateth_sign, which may have increased security againt certs in typicals.

Wy is PersonalSign more securer?

So, why is The Consider Sign.

The primary reason lies in the key derivation processes used by Ethereum. By deriving a newpical key private keys, welfare a generaate a unique and unpredictable not's resistant to various type of attacks:

  • Side-channel attacks: The encryption algorithmous in Key Development Central Exchange (KDK) is designated as a side-channel attacks, who’s going to be input to the date.

  • Different Crypt Nalysis: There's a derivation of makes it's a different fortackers to exploit differential between the encrypted and hash data.

Integration,eth_signuses a single encryryption algorithm that's lestance to the type of attacks.


Metamask: What is the difference between eth_sign and personal_sign?

While botheth_sign` and PersonalSign is the their Uuses, PersonalSign is the Significance of Bureau Resistance Processes and more advertising encryption schemes. Iif you’re bilding an Ethereum-based application or interacting with the erses, it’s don’t differentness between to have no more than that’s the one that’s your own themes.

Remember, Security shriness always be a top priority whistwriter who will be a blockchain!


Ethereum: Is there a way to get the market cap or market cap rank of a coin using the Binance API?

Here is an article that answers your question:

getining market limit or coin rank using binance api

When designing a cryptocurrency application, it is important to access the latest market data. Binance API is one such platform that provides access to various financial data, including market capitalization and cryptocurrency rank.

In this article,


–In Function to Regain The Market Limit or a Rank of Specific Cryptocurrency. This information must be manually evaluated by the api.


To achieve this, we will use the “List Coin” Destination that allows you to get the entire coin list binance exchange. “Getcoin” Data on this particular Coin.

Code Example

Here are some examples to start us:


Use system; use;

System.text.jon use;


Public Class Market


Public String symbol {Get; set; }


Public Async Task GetMarketCapsSasync ()


May demand = new httpclient (). Postasync ("

New Stringcontent (Jsonserialis.Serialize (New Listcosrequest ()), Encoding.utf8, "Application/Json");

wait for the request.content.readfromaskasync ();

Can marketCaps = Expect GetMarketCapsSancFrompsPonsse (request);

Return Marketcaps;


Public Async Task for GetMarketCapsSancfrompsPonsse (httPEPONSEMESGAGAGE)


can listcoinsrsponse = wait for reaction.readasstringasync ();

can listcoins = jsonserializer.deserialize (listcoinsponsse);

Can marketcaps = new list ();

Foreach (Coin Written)


May demand = new marketcaprequest {symbol = coin.symbol};

Can marketcapresponsse = Expect getmarketcapsasascyncfromcoinrequest (request);

IF (MarketCapresponsse! = Null)


Marketcaps.add (marketcapresponsse);



Return Marketcaps;


Public Async Task for GetMarketCapsSancFromcoinRequest (Marketcaprequest Request)


can url = " + request.symbol;

can requesturl = $ " (request.symbol} & limit = 100";

Using can httpclient = new httpclient ();

can reaction = wait httpclient.getasync (requesturl);

If (answer.isuccessstatuscode)


Return JsonSerializer.deserialize (Wait for Reaction.Readasstringasync ());




Console.writeline ($ "Failed to retrieve the market limit {request.symbol}: {response.statuscode}");

Return Zero;



How does it work

Ethereum: Is there a way to get the market cap or market cap rank of a coin using the Binance API?

The “GetMarketCapsSasync” Methods.

Note that we use the variable listcosponsse to get the entire coin list of binance exchange. “GetMarketCapsasyncFromcoinrequest” Method to bring the market limit or rank the data to this particular coin.


By following this example Remember to handle all the mistakes that may occortingly.

Ethereum: Is it safe to import my private key into another wallet?

Etherreum: Is it safe to import a private key?

Ethereum: Is it safe to import my private key into another wallet?

As an entrepreneur Cryptocurrency, he is probably aware of the Syuring Simidance of digital devices. What is Ethereum, Selection of Right Walking and Careful Waist or Your Sexual Adjustment. In this art, we examine the risk of associating the keys of the other wakes with an imported key and ensuring Y at Y to alleviate them.

Import river is a private key

Importing a private key to Oraher Bellet can be convenient for several empires:

  • AYU may have a random or incorrect jorginal wallet.

  • Use an older version of Ethereum Tote, in which you do not support key imports from Keys.

  • You make a mistake and have to fix them.

Homever, bringing in the private key and sensitive risk of the Annother wallet. The question is a serious question:

Key Duplication : Ifre Schere or Imported Key Waket Annother, Pot.

* Walet vulnerability: You can use a vulnerable wake to steal FNDS from FNDS, to the slope of yours. By importing a private wallet, he exposes it to contemporary throws.

* SECURIITY GAPS: If the Sing Sing Practices import threshold for the oven Ethereum accounts can be informed, you can inform the format or the creation of ships.

Best exercises for importing private key

To minimize a private key to the other wallet:

  • Use as a secure import process :: Use the curious key, the reputable and secure method, the fine Ethereum web site import tool, or the trust-party service.

  • Keep your private control : Avoid shading or password by having to give you access.

  • Use a new wallet for imports : If apotheses, create a new wallet that is specific for installation and storage of Ethereum Private Kys.



While inserting the site of another wallet can simply get to know the respect or access doors, it is essential to approach the SICITS disk. By underperforming risk and taking action to mitigate, you can encourage Ethereum accounts as a result of an effective threshold. ILFARE reasonably does not require one or necessary assets about handling his wallet, consulting a reputable cryptocurrency experience.

Addition resources

  • Official Ethereum Website: //>

  • Community of Reddit R/Eereum

  • Coindpto Weekly Newsletter

Be informed and cook digital devices!

tron layer

Solana: whats the difference between #[account(zero copy)] and #[account(zero copy(unsafe)]?

Understand zero copy accounts in Solana

Solana is a popular blockchain platform that admits zero cost accounts, also known as #[zero copy)] or #[zero copy (insecure))]. In this article,

#[Copy (zero copy)] (Sure)

The most common variant of the zero copy account is #[account (zero copy)]. This guy ensures that any change. The #[Copy (insecure)) variant is similar but uses an insecure approach.

#[account (zero copy (insecure))

The less common variant of the zero copy account is#[zero copy (insecure))]. This type allows changes without any security verification, however, this variant should only be used with caution and in specific scenarios.


The main difference between these two variants lies in their behavior:

  • #[Zero Copy)](SAFE): Any change made within the account is reflected in all chains by using a safe and immutable block.

  • #[Count (zero copy (insecure))] : The changes are allowed within the account without any security verification. This variant should only be used with caution and in specific scenarios.

When using each

Use#[zero copy)]When:




Use#[account (zero copy (insecure))]When:

  • Your data does not need to be securely rewarded in all chains (for example, if


** Sing to write an insecure code in oxide?

Yes, it is possible to write an insecure code directly in Rust. However, using zero copy accounts is generally safer than writing without processing. In addition, you can use Libana-Program and Anchor to work with zero copy accounts safely.


The differences between the differences between the zero copy accounts. Wear

Example code

Here is an example of how to use a zero cost account in Rust:


Use Solana_program :: {

ACCOUNT_INFO :: {Next_account_info, Accountinfo},

Entrypoint :: Programult,

Program_eror :: printerror,


use anchor_lag :: {account_info, entrypoint};

// Define and work to deposit money on the account

Fn deposit (account_id: & accouinfo <'_>, quantity: u64) -> programresult {

// Obtain the current account balance

Let mut balance = next_account_info (account_)?;

// deposit the specified amount

balance.amount += quantity;

// Save the balance updated to the account

Nextacountinfo :: Set (account_, and balance)?;

Printeror! (“Successful deposit”);

OK (())


// Define and zero cost account

#[Zero Copy (insecure))]

Zerocopyacount structure {

Deposit: U64,


Anchor impirogram for zerocopyacount {

Type Systemprograminfo = Accountinfo <'_>;

Type programid = programid;

Write programmer = imprinteror;

Fn new () -> self :: programid {

// create a new program identification



Fn call (& self, quantity: u64) -> programresult {

Deposit (self.